Continuous Jackrabbit software enhancements!

Visibility of Fees Due or Not Due Improved

When you’re processing refunds, you’ll find that a few changes on the “Are Fees Still Due” page will help you.

What was previously a checkbox is now radio buttons. Click the “R” beside any payment to begin the refund process. After you have selected which fee(s) to refund and clicked the “Next” button, the “Are Feeds Still Due” page now allows you to click the appropriate radio button for the fee status (see image).

The entire page has also had a little revamp to remove outdated video links and justifying the text in a more readable format.

These changes come together to make the items that need attention on this page more visible to you. Better clarity means that you won’t miss making your choice between “Due” and “Not Due” – and you won’t be frustrated by uncategorized fees that show up in the future.

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