Happy volunteers celebrating after a successful day of giving back at the Grain of Wheat Project.

Giving Back – Grain of Wheat Project

IMG_6386Giving back is an important part of our business. That’s why we partner with Grain of Wheat. Over the years, we have donated approximately 1,600 backpacks filled with toiletries and other necessities.

Can you imagine going to school without the proper school supplies? What if you didn’t even have a book bag? While this sounds like an easy fix—a quick trip to Target and you would be set—many children’s families can’t afford to outfit them with adequate supplies.

At Jackrabbit, children are our jam. They’re what make all of this worth it. So we want to give back to those kids that aren’t able to go to school prepared, because every child deserves a chance. Your background and economic status shouldn’t hold you back from doing great things.


This year we gave 400 backpacks filled with notebooks, pencils, etc., to Grain of Wheat to distribute to impoverished kids in Hungary. Giving back is important for us and their smiling faces make it worth it.

Grain of Wheat has become a great team building event for us over the past four years. The entire company comes together to send supplies to children in need and bond over that commonality.

“Having a friendship and relationship with someone you don’t work with everyday by volunteering is really powerful,” said CoFounder Mark Mahoney.


We’re a big company, so Grain of Wheat has formed a camaraderie amongst our team and strengthened our company culture. We’re a business first and foremost, but we’re also people who care about making the world a better place. We’re real people doing real things.

Put a face with a name—meet the great people behind our company culture here.




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