Bunnies eating carrots. Fluffle Wisdom

from Jeff Lulla

We asked Jeff Lulla (Founder and President of Fun & Fit Gymnastics) what his thoughts are on this notable quote:

‘The risk of a wrong decision is preferable to the terror of indecision.’  — Maimonides

Jeff’s response:

“The perception of risk and fear can be paralyzing.  So much so, that some people won’t make a decision when necessary resulting in a greater problem.  While we often hear how mistakes can be opportunities to learn something, many people find it difficult to see those lessons and thereby remain indecisive to avoid making mistakes or, when they occur, repeat them.  It takes positive self-esteem to own up to making a bad decision and learning from it.  Without self-esteem, people often blame others, or life itself, as they go forward feeling victimized.  

When we teach children gymnastics, swimming, or anything else that might put them into situations they perceive as risky or fearful, we help them learn how to deal with risk in a positive way.  And if the outcome is frequently successful, we can create for them the expectation that working through risk and fear leads to achievement, excitement and success.  Instead of dreading risky decisions and avoiding them, they learn to embrace risk as a way to learn and grow and reach their goals.  These lessons might begin with moving up in levels of a gymnastics program.  But they can continue to support going away to college, buying a home or opening a business following ones dreams.

Teaching children how to respond to risk/fear by asking for help, focusing on a positive result, and working with small steps/progressions, we are creating a positive outcome and building confidence that helps them learn to manage fear effectively elsewhere in life.”

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