Celebrating a Dancer's First Day of Class

Creative ways to celebrate a dancer’s first day of class

It may not be the most wonderful time of the year in Kris Kringle’s book, but it sure is for dance studio owners, teachers and students! A new dance season is on the horizon and we’re here to help you celebrate the new students you acquired over the summer with three creative ways to celebrate a dancer’s first day of class.

3 ways to celebrate a dancer’s first day of class

Set up some photo fun

A simple way to let your studio’s creativity shine through is with a fun photo wall! A dedicated space for dancers to take pictures can help new students feel more at ease before hitting the studio for their first day of dance class. And it’s even better if your photo booth has props branded to your studio. Why? Because parents and students will share their pictures on social media.

Things to consider when creating a fun place to take pictures in your studio:

  • Invest in a step-and-repeat banner with your studio’s logo so that you can use it all year long and change out props and decorations seasonally.
  • Don’t make it complicated. Hit the local craft store for colorful balloons, craft paper, confetti and props that match your studio’s colors.
  • Create an original hashtag and display it near the photo wall as a reminder for dancers and parents to use it.

Get a gang of greeters

You can’t make a first impression twice, right? So can you imagine a better way to welcome new dancers to your studio than with a dedicated greeter gang?

Whether you add a few extra front desk staff to the schedule during the first few weeks of class, or recruit some long-time parents to welcome new dancers in the lobby on their first day – this gesture will go a long way to ensure your customers have the best experience with your studio.

Where do I go?
Which dance shoes do I wear first?
I’m going to miss class next week, what should I do?

New students and parents are bound to have questions on a range of topics. Make sure your greeter gang can help address these questions or knows who to direct them to in the event they can’t provide a solution.

Giveaway useful swag

Who doesn’t love a giveaway? Set up a station at your front desk or in each studio with a cute swag display. Car magnets, pens, buttons and hair bows make great freebies for new students to take on their first day of class.

If you want to take useful swag to the next level, consider a dedicated new student gift.

What’s one thing all dancers need besides bobby pins? Water!

Consider giving away a branded water bottle to new dancers to help celebrate their first day of class. In doing so, you’ll help promote habits that help nourish the body while at the same time promoting your studio wherever the dancer takes their new water bottle.

No matter what you do to celebrate a dancer’s first day of class, make it fun and make it original to your studio! Creating fun and simple engagement opportunities the first few weeks of classes can go a long way in strengthening your brand, building relationships and retaining students.

How are you going to celebrate your first day of classes for new dancers this season? Let us know in the comments!

Identifying a student’s first day of class with Jackrabbit Dance
This summer, Jackrabbit Dance released an enhancement to its Who’s Scheduled to Be Here Report, so that it quickly returns new students attending a given class on a given day. Discover how you can use this helpful tool to implement the creative celebrations in this article. (–> Get to know the Who’s Scheduled to Be Here Report from Jackrabbit Dance)

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