Stage Door Dance Productions
504 total students 12 instructors
1 location with 2nd opening in June
Owners, Chasta Hamilton Calhoun and Willis Calhoun
Chasta and Willis based their first studio software choice on price, figuring that – if the cheaper option worked – they would save some money that could be invested elsewhere. It didn’t turn out that way. They found that there is a lot to consider beyond hard cost when evaluating software. Their time, their staff’s time and the efficiency of the system each became critical factors as the couple really got into the details of their initial system. From features that didn’t fit their business and non-customizable screens to the overall cumbersome operation of the software, these soft factors inspired the Calhouns to seek another solution.
Jackrabbit rose to the top as the solution that might fit Chasta and Willis’ needs the best. And working in the free trial gave them a “test version” that actually used their data so they could see if Jackrabbit fit the way their business operates and if the customizations and flexibility built into Jackrabbit’s design proved themselves.
As they saw the software mold to their business, it became obvious that they had been missing out on a very powerful tool that could help them to go far beyond just managing their studio but to expand to multiple locations and even innovate with new ways to offer classes. Bank drafts, account ledgers and logging attendance is not where the Calhouns wanted to spend their time and Jackrabbit helps them to reduce the effort that these very necessary activities take through automation and give them their days back to be the creative teachers and artists that they started out in the dance industry to be.
Jackrabbit gives us accessibility to our information in every regard – even pushing the very features needed to do business critical tasks to mobile devices so owners and managers can live their life and manage their business.
“Jackrabbit is truly a time-saver and a liberator. Credit card processing alone has saved at least 6 hours per monthly cycle since previously we were punching in individual numbers. And because Jackrabbit handles processing automatically, we don’t have to have our lives revolve around the first of the month.”
“The benefits we see with Jackrabbit are amazing after just a few months – and we’ve yet to roll out several features of the software. We can provide a higher level of service through the software and can see the benefits multiply as we implement new phases of the available technology.”
— Chasta Hamilton Calhoun | Stage Door Dance